Furey Stories

Meet Chip Waller, Chief Operating Officer

Furey Team

In our latest "Meet the Team" interview, we sat down with Chip Waller, Furey’s Chief Operating Officer. As one of the company’s earliest team members, Chip has been a driving force behind Furey's growth and impact on high-growth startups across the country.

We talked to Chip about his career journey, the evolving landscape of finance for venture-backed startups, and where he sees the future of fractional services and AI in accounting. Here's what he had to say:

Can you tell us about your career journey? 

Chip: I started out in the Big Four, focusing on audit and M&A advisory. What really attracted me was the challenge of bringing structure to financial chaos. When I joined Furey in 2018, I found a similar focus with startups, helping them build solid financial systems from the ground up. My background in M&A has been a perfect match for the work we do at Furey, enabling our clients to gain the financial clarity they need to grow and succeed.

How did your role at Furey evolve over time? 

Chip: As Furey has grown, so has my role. I started off primarily focused on client services, helping startups navigate financial challenges. But as we expanded, I shifted my attention to Furey’s internal operations as well, moving from a hands-on work to a more strategic leadership role as we transformed from a small startup into a team of over 40.

What are the biggest challenges facing venture-backed startups today?  

Chip: One of the biggest hurdles is balancing investment in the finance department with keeping overhead costs low. Startups often need high-level financial expertise but can’t afford a full-time finance team. That’s where Furey’s fractional finance model comes in. We give startups access to seasoned professionals at a fraction of the cost, helping them build a strong financial foundation. This allows them to stay on top of two critical things: their cash burn and when they need to raise additional capital.

Where do you see the future of fractional services heading? Where does Furey fit in?

Chip: I believe the future of business is increasingly fractionalized. Companies are moving towards accessing specialized skills as needed rather than hiring full-time. At Furey, we stand out by taking a people-first approach. We invest in our team by ensuring they’re well-trained, supported, and continuously developing their skills. This allows us to provide clients with a top-notch experience that goes beyond just numbers.

What about the role of AI in accounting?

Chip: AI can be a powerful tool for enhancing efficiency in accounting and finance. It’s great at automating certain tasks, but the real value of our team lies in their expertise and judgment—something AI just can’t replicate. As technology advances, we’re using AI to free up our accountants’ time, allowing them to focus on more strategic, big-picture work. This way, we blend the best of both worlds: cutting-edge technology and human expertise.

How do you maintain a work-life balance that works well for you?

Chip: I enjoy spending time with my seven-month-old. I appreciate that Furey observes a 4.5-day workweek, which means we close early every Friday. It gives everyone on the team a chance to recharge and allows me to spend more quality time with my family.

Any books you’ve enjoyed recently? 

Chip: I recently read The Rational Optimist: How Prosperity Evolves. It's an interesting perspective on how progress and innovation have shaped the world.

Furey Team